Fees for Services Provided
Probably the second most frequently asked question is "How much does all this cost ?" Most franchisees can realize the value of the services provided, but are under the mistaken impression that since they are so encompassing they must not be affordable to the average business owner.
We have saved this topic for last (as they say save the best for last).
We can almost guarantee that we can save you money on what you are currently spending on professional fees…..and best of all you will be getting better service and timely financial information. This will cause you to run a more efficient and more profitable operation.
Take a few moments to add up the weekly payroll processing fees, the bookkeeper , the quarterly accountant review as well as the costs to prepare the year end tax returns. Also consider the amount of time you are spending on these items as well as the frustration of having to deal with several different service providers. Once you have this information call us so you can see your savings that will occur immediately.
All fees are quoted on a per unit basis and are guaranteed not to increase for a two-year period.
Feel free to call Jim Ventriglia today at 866.723.2500 to learn more and get your free no obligation quote.